Paintings & Drawings


My very early love of drawing and painting led me to a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. Drawn to the figurative style, I used fragments of urns, ancient ruin and human figures as existential symbols of the transitory nature of human life and of civilizations. These forms, drawn and painted in successive washes, emerge and dissolve into the surrounding space, tangible for only brief moments in the continuity of time. These works provide insight into my beginnings and show in a figurative form my concern for texture, color and themes that continue on in my abstract concrete works.
Mon attirance précoce pour le dessin et la peinture m'a conduit à un baccalauréat en beaux-arts. Attirée par le style figuratif, j'ai utilisé des fragments d'urnes, des ruines antiques et des figures humaines comme symboles existentiels de la nature éphémère de la vie humaine et des civilisations. Ces formes, dessinées et peintes en couches successives, émergent et disparaissent dans l'espace environnant, tangibles que pour de brefs instants dans la continuité du temps. Ces œuvres donnent un aperçu de mes débuts et montrent, sous une forme figurative, mon intérêt pour les textures, couleurs et thèmes qui se poursuivent dans mes œuvres abstraites en beton.

The grass is always greener, 1995

38 x 50 inches

Oil on paper

Remnants II, 1995

30 x 44 inches

Oil paint and sticks on paper

Remnants I, 1995

30 x 22 inches

Oil paint and sticks on paper

The Promised Land, 1994

48 x 38 inches

Oil paint and sticks on paper

Lifelines, 1994

16 x 12 inches

Oil on paper

Instability, 1994

11 x 15 inches

Watercolor on paper

Absence, 1994

44 x 30 inches

Oil sticks on paper

Abandoned, 1994

13 x 17 inches

Watercolor on paper

Showcases, Cuzco, 1993

54 x 38 inches

Oil paint on paper

Samos woman, 1993

12.5 x 9.5 inches

Oil paint on paper

Le temps arrêté, 1993

10.5 x 9 inches

Oil on paper

Mummy II, 1992

30 x 42 inches

Oil paint and sticks on paper

Mummy I, 1992

30 x 42 inches

Oil paint and sticks on paper

Marmites d’ères cuites, 1992

51 x 32 inches

Oil paint on paper

Le sous-sol colonisé, 1992

72 x 41 inches

Oil paint on paper

Lambeaux, 1992

17 x 53 inches

Oil paint on paper

Passage, triptych, 1991

48 x 66 inches

Oil sticks and graphite on paper

Greek women, 1991

25 x 19 inches

Oil pastels and paint on paper

Delphi, 1991

44 x 30 inches

Oil sticks and graphite on paper

Bone Slivers, 1991

12 x 19 inches

Oil paint on paper

Women resisting, Oka, 1990

50 x 38 inches

Oil sticks on paper

Papou sleeping, 1990

25 x 38 inches

Oil sticks on paper

Papou In the kitchen, 1990

44 x 30 inches

Oil sticks on paper and graphite on paper

Dancers, 1990

50 x 62 inches

Oil sticks and graphite on paper

Dancer, 1990

50 x 38 inches

Oil paint, oil sticks and graphite on paper

Dad, 1990

25 x 33 inches

Oil sticks on paper

Woman, 1989

30 x 22 inches

Oil sticks on paper